Legal basis: Other regulations
The Management Board of Polski Holding Nieruchomości S.A. (the “Company”) hereby informs that on November 25, 2016, a request was filed with Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”) to introduce 63,283 C series ordinary bearer shares of the Company (“C series shares”), marked with PLPHN0000014 code, with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each, to trading on the primary WSE market. The above-specified shares have been issued under:
The C series shares are taken up as a result of exercising rights under the Company’s A and B series subscription warrants which are offered free of charge to those employees of Warszawski Holding Nieruchomości, Intraco, Budexpo and Dalmor who are entitled to take up shares in a given company free of charge under Article 36 f. of the Commercialization and Privatization Act of August 31, 1996.
The total number of Company’s shares, after introducing the shares covered by the request to trading, will amount to 46,786,030.
In the filed request, December 5, 2016 was proposed as the date of introducing C series shares to trading.
Legal basis: §9.1 of WSE Regulations
Signatures of the Company’s representatives:
Maciej Jankiewicz - President of the Management Board
Zbigniew Kulewicz – Vice-President of the Management Board